More eggs. Less risk.
Become a backyard chicken pro without the hassle of raising your own chicks from scratch.
Pullets guaranteed.
The best way to get your backyard flock up and running is to order our guaranteed female, organically-raised, started pullets. No more constant worrying and fussing over your tiny chicks at home. No more waiting 6 months for eggs. And no more surprise roosters!Healthy, 3-month old pullets
Backyard-friendly breeds
Free-range access to organic farm
Fed organic feed and veggie scraps
Handled daily with care
Less waiting for egg production
Guaranteed pullets
Peace of mind
Constant worrying
Delicate chicks
Cleaning tiny bottoms
Heat lamps/fire risk
Accidental drownings
Losing chicks to stress
Special chick starter to buy
No vacations
Surprise roosters
Start your best flock ever.
- We raise a variety of pullets to 90 days of age
- You choose which variety and how many
- You contact us to reserve your pullets
- You pick up or we deliver
- Silver Laced Wyandottes
- White and Blue Cochins
- Speckled Sussex
- Australorps
- Easter Eggers (or Ameraucanas)
- White and Buff Brahmas
- Golden (Red) or Black Sex Link
- ...and more!
- We accept cash payments only at this time
- There is an extra delivery fee within a certain radius of our farm
- No animals will be mailed
- Local purchases only
Feel free to contact us if you have questions, or to reserve your flock!
One of our beautiful Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets on our farm.